Easy WP Hotelier already offers the possibility to require a deposit before to confirm a reservation. And it works very well: you just need to select your desired percent amount (up to 100% of course) and the deposit to pay is calculated as percentage of total price of the reservation.
But what if you just want a fixed deposit?
Flat Deposit at the rescue!
With the Flat Deposit extension for Easy WP Hotelier you will have the possibility to require a fixed price (flat rate) regardless of the booked nights. For example, let’s say you have a room in your hotel that has a fixed cost of $150.00 per night. You can use the Flat Deposit extension to require a deposit of $75.00 to confirm the reservation.
Another example. You have a room rate with a discounted price (maybe a special offer?) that requires a minimum stay of 3 nights (possible with the Minimum/Maximum Nights extension). $100.00 per night (total $300.00). You can use Flat Deposit to require a deposit of $100.00 (first night).
Get Flat Deposit extension
You can purchase a copy of Flat Deposit from its product page. In that page you will find more info about the available features.